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Of the many industries that Murphy Logistics services, 工业仓储和工业物流总体上覆盖了我们最大的客户范围. Industrial logistics is the transportation, storage, 以及整个供应链中任何工业产品的分销. 这个广泛的定义使我们能够与众多行业的大量客户合作. 这种经验为我们在工业物流方面赢得了良好的声誉.

Building materials such as steel and lead, as well as sheets of wood and bundles of lumber, are common types of industrial materials we handle. Industrial logistics also covers manufacturing materials, from components to end products such as paper and pallets.

Murphy’s customer base is broad. 我们甚至与更多的利基产品合作,比如太阳能电池板和消费品, 因此,我们已经能够熟练地处理工业客户的几乎所有需求. 高效,适应性强,随时准备是所有工业物流公司的必备条件.

Industrial Warehousing

Why is industrial warehousing and logistics a specialty service? 工业客户有特殊的要求,以确保他们的产品按时交付,因为他们在建筑物中扮演着重要的角色, construction, landscaping, and manufacturing. Efficiency is key within industrial supply chains. 

By working with a trusted industrial logistics company, especially one that can also offer industrial warehousing like Murphy, 你能够打开一条快速的沟通线,以确保及时的订单处理和高效的拣选和分配. 建立这些完善的程序是为了确保满足交付预约,并确保产品在需要的时候到达需要的地方, with a guarantee that everything is safe and secure.

值得注意的是,当涉及到工业仓储空间时,存储要求和程序往往需要定制或专业化. 而标准仓储和托盘存储可能是工业供应链的一部分, 很多时候,只有真正的工业仓储合作伙伴才能满足其他要求. 

Oversized storage often involves the handling of large, heavy, and oddly shaped items, which require the use of specialized equipment and skilled operators. This may include outdoor forklifts, 哪些配备了更大的轮胎,以帮助在室外天气条件下行驶. 户外存储也是许多工业客户的热门选择, and not all standard warehousing companies can offer this option. Because many industrial materials are rugged and may be used outdoors, companies can utilize Murphy’s large, secure yard spaces to store more durable materials, saving on total cost when compared to traditional storage space.

Industrial Logistics

而工业客户通常需要我们专门设计的存储选项, 他们的物流和配送要求对我们也非常重要. Custom picking, distribution, 运输解决方案帮助我们每个独特的客户确保成功的供应链体验. Murphy的工业物流团队与客户合作,提供他们所需的一切,以保持他们的项目高效进行.

墨菲还提供即时运输选项,以保持生产线全天候运行. 客户可以给我们的团队提供交付产品的装运窗口, 就像生产线准备好使用它们一样,在这个过程中几乎没有空间和时间浪费.

我们提供的另一个解决方案,使我们有别于其他工业物流公司是我们的定制铁路物流选择. Many industrial customers choose to ship products to Murphy via rail. 在长途运输中,铁路运输比公路运输效率高得多. 一节标准的铁路车厢可以携带足够的产品,最多可以带走三到四辆卡车, per shipment. That reduction in savings does not go unnoticed. 当考虑到该解决方案对环境的影响时, 你就会明白为什么墨菲和我们的客户经常采用这种方式进行长途工业物流.  

墨菲的团队可以在现场卸下货车、高立方体车和平板车. 我们买球用什么正规app的室内轨道侧板可以识别买球用什么正规app中的车辆,以帮助保持产品远离元素,并使我们的员工免受恶劣天气的影响. Murphy还通过铁路将产品运出我们的买球用什么正规app,并处理工业材料的铁路转运. Even our brokerage team gets in on the action, coordinating the next stage in your logistics chain, by securing over-the-road carriers for unique loads such as flatbed, liftgate service, 和现场交付,以确保一致和可靠的交付您的产品到他们的目的地.

Upgrade your Industrial Logistics With Murphy

买球赛用什么app和网站一直努力成为一个可靠的工业物流合作伙伴. We are ready to help you customize your logistics solutions.


Frequently Asked Questions

What types of industrial products do you handle in your warehouses?

买球赛用什么app和网站拥有超过一个世纪的经验,管理各种工业产品. We have both indoor and outdoor storage areas, 允许安全存储的工业项目,能够在室外以及室内仓储的那些不安全的天气. 

我们的工业物流服务的常见例子包括超大和笨重的物品,如机械, building materials, steel, and lumber, along with many other waterproof and weather-safe items and materials. Thanks to our rail logistics services在美国,我们能够接收和存储许多其他公司根本无法接收和存储的物品.

Do you offer outdoor storage solutions for industrial materials?

我们知道并非所有的工业材料都需要室内储存. Murphy Logistics has over 250,000 square feet of industrial outdoor storage 空间,使我们成为最大的商业户外存储空间供应商之一. Murphy Logistics provides secure, 宽敞的户外庭院,配备专门的叉车,用于处理和导航各种天气条件. 这种具有成本效益的解决方案是储存耐用和防风雨产品或材料的理想选择, such as machinery, equipment, and construction materials.


买球赛用什么app和网站有能力处理超大和重型工业设备. Our experienced team can manage the entire transportation process, including permits, loading and unloading with appropriate machinery, and securing delivery to your desired location.

Does Murphy offer international industrial logistics services?

Yes, we do. With our rail logistics, cross-docking, transloading, and international logistics 服务,我们可以处理各种负载大小,无论其目的地如何. As a Central Examination Station and U.S. Customs clearance inspection hub, 我们拥有提供卓越国际物流解决方案的经验和能力.

How does Murphy prioritize safety in your industrial warehouses?

人员和库存的安全是买球赛用什么app和网站的首要任务. Our industrial warehouses are equipped with safety zones, well-marked fire exits, and appropriate ventilation systems. To consistently strive for the safest working environment, we also provide all employees with thorough, ongoing safety training.